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Msimbi T.K

"The Measure of Beauty" (Global Version)

Updated: Aug 22, 2020

Good Morning Fellow Princess or Prince:

Today, I hope you remember who you are and whose you are. You were uniquely created by a divine and loving God, for a divine purpose.

That God, the Creator of the world, smiles when He sees you, and by the way, His eyes are always on you, so that means He always delights in you when you're walking with Him, and He delights the good you do as well. You were and you are fearfully & wonderfully made. He loves you and will always be there for you, in any and every season of your life.

Please remember the outer (and more importantly), the inner beauty that is in you. Don’t let it diminish because of someone else’s skewed definition of beauty.

You are who God says you are & can do what He says you can do...Don’t let anyone else tell you differently.

There is so much negativity and pressure in this world, especially these days: to fit in, to be a size 2, to be in the right circles, or to act like someone you may not be, rather than being yourself. Yet that pressure is not from God, and it is not what He’d want your attention to be on.

Yes, it’s good to take pride in your body and to take care of it, but that doesn’t mean you have to conform, or devote all your energy into diets, fads, exercising 24/7, becoming miserable, and losing your true identity.

Our Creator gave up a whole lot more than we could ever imagine, just to be close to us; close to you, and the other way around too; so you could be close to Him. That means we were precious and valuable to Him and we still are.

Also, in most cases, and apart from God’s case- most people can only be as kind to you, as you are to yourself, so know and remember your worth, and give yourself a little slack.

Remember whose you are. You are an heir, so you can move about, humbly, but confidently, and with dignity, as God's royal daughter or son.


- A Fellow Princess

M.T,K. "S", 19 August 2020.

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