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Msimbi T.K

The Blessings of Texas: Day 5 -6

Yesterday was mostly a logistical day, I woke up before 6:15 am, but stayed in pajamas until about 10 am. I did my laundry. repacked my clothes and figured out details for my next destination.

I did some writing too, as you can tell. It was a day spent indoors, but we got some exercise in the afternoon, whenone of my best friends and I did 1.5 Zumba workouts. It was pretty fun to do Zumba with someone other than just the instructor on YouTube. We may have been flailing, but we were still having fun.

In the evening, we had a girls' day, just going through my old city to the accompaniment of Gidi Gidi Maji Maji, Yemi Alade, and others. After the tour, and a shopping sprint (we only picked up a few items), we had a healthy high protein meal, provided by Wing Stop to give my aunt a break from the kitchen, or so I hoped.

We played a few rounds of War, after we'd given up on Slapjack, after sharing our thoughts on various topics, we called it a night, with me thinking it would be the last day in this wonderful home, for at least a year. The next morning, I woke up early to say goodbye to Lois, as she would not be returning to her family's home until I was well on my way.

Though she wasn't able to see me off to my next destination, I later learned, after lots of thinking and planning, it would be her parents who would escort me to the bus station. I was happy about this because, in my mind, I would be causing stress and inconvenience to others, if I asked them for a ride to the station. I know it wasn't really a big deal to most of the people I was visiting, but I wanted to make as little trouble or hassle, for my hosts and other friends and family, as possible. I don't know, if I put a lot of importance or weight on the way the Enneagram works, I would attribute it to my "9-ness", and not wanting to rock the boat, and it could be that, or it could just be me trying and hoping to be considerate of others' time and schedules.

Anyway, now that the logistics are dealt with, I'll finish this post and will work on a sketch or two for the art group I host. After, I will most likely get ready for bed-I've got to be up earlier than usual for my next destination. Are you curious as to where this is? Stay tuned.....

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