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P.A.C.T Presentation #5: The 4 Ways of the Renaissance

Hello Friends & Family,

My name is SimSim.

I hope you all are doing well and are ready for another P.A.C.T adventure, whether you’re reading it or listening to it.

Today we’re going to explore the world of the Renaissance. Specifically, we’ll explore the art created by the four most famous artists of the time. As well, we’ll explore their namesakes, who are the Ninja Turtles,

a little about their personalities,

and lastly we’ll tie in the lessons we can learn or maybe the lessons I’ve learned from all these characters.

So without further ado, let’s dive in, shall we?

First, I would like to read a verse that may be familiar to many of you. This verse will give us the theme of today’s talk. The verse is Micah 6:8, and though most of that chapter is scathing in its rebuke to God’s children, verse 8 gives us instruction on how to course correct and follow Him, our Lord better.

It reads, “ I have shown you, oh man, what is good. To seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God”-Micah 6:8. Let’s see how painters, Ninja Turtles and the rest of us apply these principles in our lives.

Are we really going to compare fictional super turtles and biblical principles? Well, we’re gonna try. Besides, God used a talking donkey and a burning bush to speak to people back in the day, so why not now?

The first painter we’ll talk about is.

Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci was born in Italy in the Tuscan suburb of Vinci, on what is now commonly called Tax Day, only in 1452.

He is famous for painting the Mona Lisa, as well as for his work as an inventor.

Before this, and at the young age of 14, Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, took an apprenticeship with the goldsmith, painter, and sculptor, Andrea del Verrocchio . This is where he honed his skills in these disciplines for 9 years. Another one of his works was “Landscape Drawing for Santa Maria della Neve”. This was a pen drawing of a waterscape in his country(Leonardo da Vinci

Paintings, Drawings, Quotes, Biography, 2011).


TMNT Mask Color: Blue

Leonardo’s Blue mask represents:

Leadership, Strength, & Bravery.

What can we take from this? Four ways to live in peace and be merciful, humble, and fair.

Way 1:

Allow positivity, Have confidence in yourself and abilities, choose to make choices & smile. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said,

“Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink the wild air”-Ralph Waldo Emerson


Raphaello Sanzio was born on April 6, 1483 inUrbino, Italy.

Apprenticed under Pietro Vannuci, also known as Perugino of Florence from age 17 where he learned


He painted the

  • Mond Crucifixion (circa 1502),

  • The Three Graces (circa 1503),

  • The Knight’s Dream (1504) and the

  • Oddi altarpiece, Marriage of the Virgin, completed in 1504.

  • Madonnas

  • Stanza della Segnatura ("Room of the Signatura"

For many of these paintings, he used the “fresco” technique-plastering the painting right on, usually, an everyday surface. I will not be frescoing anything today, but we can look at some examples of this type of art, which I think are amazing!.


  • A. Hired to replace the sculptor Donato Bramante

  • B. Hired by Julius II & Leo the 10th to sculpt

Some works he sculpted were:

  • chapel in Sant’ Eligio degli Orefici

  • A room in St. Peter’s Basilica

  • Santa Maria del Popolo Chapel ( Editors,2019).

TMNT Mask Color:

In the ninja turtles, Raphael’s character wore a red bandana which represented dominance.

This can be a useful tool when wanting to negotiate or when making a decision, because a person with an assertive nature is decisive. However,

The down side of this is that domineering personalities often step on others’ toes as they fight to get the upper hand.

Way 2:

The key to taming this quality is to have an even nature; to pair dominance with tolerance. Be aware of the needs of others and even advocate for others who may not be at your same level. That is humility and it comes with a reward. You’ll help someone else feel good, and you might realize you feel good too. That feeling might just be peace.


Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, aka Michelangelo was born in Florence, Italy, on the 6th of March in the year 1475 (Gilbert, 2021).

Early Life:

Famous works are David, the Sistine Chapel and .To many of his friends, Michelangelo was described as a perfectionist. At one point he even told Michelangelo

TMNT Mask Color: Orange

Unlike his namesake, Michelangelo, or Mickey from TMNT wore orange to show:

Adventure and


Seek adventure: Explore your world

Count the years and memories-

Have a positive attitude

Way #3:

Know yourself, and know your worth. Smile, even if you don’t feel like it, you’ll feel better and so will those that receive the gift of your joy. Have a good attitude and a good handle on your emotions.

Donatello Di Niccolò de Betto Bardi was born in Florence, Italy.

Between 1386 and 1387. He and his family were upper middle class citizens, and this allowed Donatello to have a position working with the most influential sculptors.

He started in stone sculpting

Then his studies lead him to learn bronze sculpting.

Still, he was also infamous for having a brash attitude and an oddly dry sense of humor. How does all this connect to peace? One must learn to reign in their emotions, not let them control their life

Someone may have all the talent in the world, but if that’s paired with a poor attitude or outlook on life, then they may have a hard time finding joy in the smaller parts of life..

Conversely, Donatello the mighty turtle also known as Don wore purple to signify peace and charm.

Way #4: Peacemaking

Accept people the way they are, and don’t try to change them. When you judge a person by a one- time encounter, you are usually wrong about the first impression, so you really can’t judge a book by it’s cover alone. We have to be willing to dig deep to get to know people, and not just facts about them

Even in the search for is important to remember that Jesus is the only source of true peace and the only way to eternal blessings.

As mentioned in a way, relationships happen when we dig deeper to know a person, not just facts about them. This rule applies to our relationship with Jesus. He wants to know us and we need to know him on a personal level. It is our personal faith to cultivate, not a faith borrowed from your mom, dad, uncle or great great grandma. Their faith may have been stellar, but that is their own journey with God. What will yours look like?


“Cathedral of Santa Maria de Fiore”, Inspirock,2021.Retrieved from on 9 August 2021., “Donatello”.,2009. Retrieved from on 13 August 2021.

Gilbert, C. E. (2021, March 2). Michelangelo. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from on 13 August 2021.

-, G. N. N. (2021, May 5). "Live in the Sunshine, swim the SEA, drink the wild air." – Ralph Waldo Emerson. Good News Network. (2009). Donatello biography. Donatello. Retrieved from on 13 August 2021.

Leonardo da VINCI, his life and artworks. Leonardo da Vinci: Paintings, Drawings, Quotes, Facts, & Bio. (n.d.). Retrieved from on 13 August 2021.

National Geographic, “The Duomo”, National Geographic, 2021. Retrieved from on 9 August 2021.

Raphael: Paintings, Life & Death-Biography”,, Biography. A&E Television Networks, LLC., 2021.Retrieved from on 13 August 2021.

Staff, I. S. D. A. E. (2020, May 24). Raphael, the Renaissance artist who set the modern world in motion. Italian Sons and Daughters of America.

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