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Msimbi T.K

P.A.C.T #13: Optics, Op Art and Outlook

Updated: Aug 3, 2022

Hello Family and Friends.

I hope your summer is moving along well, July has flown by! In July, we will be discussing

outlook, vision, and purpose and how those are tied to optical illusions and Op Art. You may

be wondering how these ideas connect, well, just read on and you’ll discover the answer. I

will let you in on some of my struggles and thought processes, then I’ll show you examples

of Op Art.

Over the past few months, the verses from Habakkuk 2:2-3 have been popping in and

out of my head several times. The passage says, in the New King James translation,

“Then the Lord answered me and said:

“Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. 3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, It will not tarry.” Habakkuk 2:2-3

I once had this verse memorized in the New King James version, which one would think is

difficult, yet the meaning is actually very simple; write down your goals for the future, so

you can follow through with them, and even see them become reality. With optical illusions,

Op art, and differing viewpoints, one picture may reveal two different images or

perspectives. What is my point? We need to focus on the right things, right up until the end.

This is where I have been struggling, because my mind gets so many ideas and I believe I

can do so much. While there’s nothing wrong with that, if I don’t focus on one thing or on

the right things, I will just be a jack of all trades, but a master of none. I guess this is a

reminder to myself, to stay in my lane, and not jump from one thing to another to another,

at least not without considering the price. Have I lost you yet? I hope not, What I’m talking

about are the fields I am in right now. See, I have been a childcare provider for the last seven

years, but only earned my caregiving certificate last May. These fields are similar, in the fact

that the person in such a position cares for human lives; the only difference is the age

range of those clients. Even so, I feel like I am a better childcare provider, than I am a

caregiver, and sometimes that bothers me. Still, I know, that it is just a growth spurt, which,

like growing new bone marrow, will include some growth pain. People will be critical and

hard on me until they’ve gotten to know me and how I work. So,I just need to give it time

and not throw in the towel, just because it’s a little wet. C’est la vie…that's life...

Let’s now focus on something different. Optical illusions and the Op art creators.

There are three whom we will focus on for this article.

The first artist in the Op art movement is Bridget Riley. She was famous for using


geometric lines to create her artworks. An example is “Coloured Greys” created in 1972. (Bridget Riley -

She was interested in the body’s psychological response to seeing lines, waves and

other geometric patterns and this came through in her art. One such example is “Cataract

3”, which was put together in 1967.As well Riley has several more current works, such as

“Freeze”, which was formed in the year 2000. (Bridget Riley Paintings, Bio, Ideas |

TheArtStory. The, “Bridget Riley”. TheArtStory, 2022).

Like Mrs. Riley, another artist consumed by a love for symmetry was Alejandro Otero.

He was born in Manteco, Bolivar, Venezuela in 1921. He created artworks such as Coloritmo

63, and also wrote a book detailing the many variations of “Coloritmo” around 1955.

(MarcoVerde SL, 2022).

The last artist whose works we will look at is Victor Vaseraly. He created the artwork,

Sweden Offset For Sale at 1stDibs). As well as” Kinetics 5”in 1973. ( Victor Vasarely - Victor

Vasarely utilized pixels and various geometric patterns to create his works and

unbeknownst to him, his life and his passing are a reminder to me that life is a cycle and

what goes around comes back around. When one life ends, another is just beginning.

Therefore, we should focus on our goals so that we can create our futures, after all, “The

best way to predict [our futures] is to create [them]” -Abraham Lincoln.

Still, even more important than focusing on our goals and chasing our dreams

though, is focusing on the creator and the giver of those goals. Our dreams and plans don’t

pop up out of nowhere, they are gifts that our creator instills in us, therefore, let’s not just

focus on our goals, but also talk and discuss our issues, thoughts and questions with the one

who created us and knows us best. Then we will have an idea of where our lives could go

and we can know the reasons why.

Thank you!


"Bridget Riley Artist Overview and Analysis". [Internet]. 2022. Content compiled and written by The Art Story Contributors Edited and revised, with Summary and Accomplishments added by Valerie Hellstein Available from: First published on 05 Jul 2017. Updated and modified regularly [Accessed 30 Jul 2022]., Bridget Riley, “Coloured Greys”. 1972. Retrieved fromBridget Riley - Coloured Greys [2] -- Screen Print, Abstract Art, Op Art by Bridget Riley For Sale at 1stDibs on 30 July 2022. Victor Vasarely, “Clown(Red)” 1987. Retrieved from1987 Victor Vasarely 'Clown (Red)' Modernism Black,Red,Yellow Sweden Offset For Sale at 1stDibs on 30 July 2022. Victor Vasarely, “Kinetic 5” 1973. Retrieved from Victor Vasarely - Victor Vasarely Kinetics 5 For Sale at 1stDibs on 30 July 2022., Otero, Alejandro “Coloritmo 63” MarcoVerde SL, 2022. Retrieved from Alejandro Otero - "Coloritmo 63" cartel original exposición en Fundación Juan March - El Marco Verde - Obra Gráfica posters y Enmarcación on 30 July 2022. “Lincoln, Abraham”. Retrieved from on 30 July 2022.

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