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Msimbi T.K

The Story Behind the Bracelets

About SimSim's Bracelets & Such by SimSim K.

Who's SimSim Anyway?

My nickname is SimSim. I have been a student at the University of Arizona, attempting to finish my psychology degree. I enjoy my job, working with, and taking care of kids.

I have had several health challenges, but have overcome, or am in the process of overcoming them. One of those challenges was sickle cell anemia, which I had from birth to age 21. I have had two major strokes and several minor ones, which at 21, created a need for me to go through a long term bone marrow transplant to cure the disease. This treatment and the post-transplant procedures took four years combined, due to infections and other complications that came after, but those did not matter because in the winter of 2012, I was cured of sickle cell, hallelujah!

During pre-transplant (October and November 2012), I continued with online classes, until the end of the semester, which happened to be the week of my transplant procedure.

Since then, I have been enrolled in three schools in the past eight years, and have over 100 credits, but through all this I have seen, and still believe in my God’s faithfulness and his favor, which I do not feel I deserve, nevertheless, there they are. I am still hoping to get my degree in the next two years or less.

Still, in this last year, God has reminded me in many ways, such as by a biological breakdown, that I need to slow down and take it easy sometimes.

I had started one semester with 4 online classes, then had an episode, where I spent two weeks in the hospital. There I did several coping activities, such as playing instruments, games like bachi ball and cards. I also did crafts, like bracelet making and so began my new hobby.

As well I met some new people, and got to share God’s Word with one who was struggling with his faith, but was interested in learning about the Bible, and he enthusiastically got to accept Jesus into his life.

When I got out of the hospital, I had to drop all my classes and start over with new ones. Now, I am recovering, am restarting school and am feeling more like myself.

When I’m not studying or working, I’m hanging out with my family and friends, writing stories, reading, volunteering, babysitting, doing art, or making bracelets.

My experience taught me this new skill and hobby, which just goes to show that “all things work out for the good of those who love Him..." Romans 8:28.

The Push (Why I'm Doing This): The reasons I’ve continued to make these bracelets, and am attempting to sell them are, first, to try new things and to find a niche or hobby that works for me, other than cooking new recipes. The other reason is to stretch and sharpen my mind by learning a new skill, and lastly, to help pay for my education. I hope you will support me in this endeavor, I thank you for your time and encouragement.

M. Kikuyu, 10 June 2018.

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